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List of Countries for International Shipping and Country-Specific Notices (notice)

Posted by ARS x COCO(ip:)

Date 2023-08-31 21:34:50

Views 105

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<Overseas Shipping Country List>

        *Total 29 countries

  1. United States, 
  2. Canada, 
  3. Australia, 
  4. New Zealand, 
  5. France, 
  6. United Kingdom, 
  7. Netherlands, 
  8. Germany, 
  9. Spain, 
  10. Belgium, 
  11. Greece, 
  12. Poland, 
  13. Czech Republic, 
  14. Brazil, 
  15. Mexico, 
  16. Japan, 
  17. China, 
  18. Indonesia,
  19. Vietnam, 
  20. Philippines, 
  21. Singapore, 
  22. Thailand, 
  23. Cambodia, 
  24. India, 
  25. Malaysia, 
  26. Hong Kong, 
  27. Saudi Arabia, 
  28. United Arab Emirates

<Country-Specific Notices>

*United States
Failure to provide postal code, apartment number, or STE# may result in delivery delay or return without prior notice (returns may take over 1 month).

Postal code is required.
Sender and recipient information on address labels must be in English (or French).

Door code and postal code must be provided in recipient's address (failure to provide may result in return).
Local mobile phone number of recipient must be provided.
Use European-style numeral 7 (confusion in numeral usage may lead to return or misdelivery).

Recipient name must match the name on mailbox/plaque in the address (return immediately if recipient name is not on mailbox/plaque).
Postal code must be provided in the postal code field (return for missing or incorrect postal code). (Postal code format: 2 digits + 2 letters, e.g., 1234AB)

Recipient name, address, and postal code must be accurately provided.

Recipient's tax identification number (CPF, 000.000.000-00) is required.


Recipient's address should be written in Japanese (writing in English may cause local delivery delays).
Recipient's name in Yomigana (pronunciation in katakana) is required (can be written in hiragana, katakana, or English).

Recipient's phone number must be a local Chinese mobile number and is mandatory.
Due to enhanced COVID-19 prevention measures and reduced flights, delivery may take over 2 weeks after acceptance.

Recipient name must be provided in English.

EMS service is available for Metro Manila areas with postal codes starting with '1~' (possible delays). However, EMS service is not available for certain areas such as Palawan Island (5314, 5315, 5316, 5317) and Mindoro Island (5110, 5111).

*Saudi Arabia
Please provide recipient's address, postal code, apartment or house number, recipient's full name, and if possible, contact number.
Starting from July 1, 20.7.1, a 15% VAT corresponding to the value of the item will be charged to the recipient for all incoming mail (letters, parcels, EMS) to Saudi Arabia (as of July 20, 2020).


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